Dealing With Accusations Of Assault During Divorce: The Need To Hire A Domestic Assault Attorney
Has your soon-to-be ex-spouse accused you of domestic assault as part of your divorce proceedings? If so, you may think that these accusations can be addressed by the same attorney that is handling the rest of your divorce. However, since divorce attorneys are civil attorneys rather than criminal attorneys, your divorce lawyer truly will not be the best person for the job. In this situation, you should really consider retaining the services of a domestic assault attorney.
Accusations Of Domestic Assault Can Result In Criminal Charges
Domestic assault is a serious crime that could result in you being sentenced to jail time if you are convicted. While your spouse may have originally made these accusations simply as a way of trying to make you look bad in front of the judge handling your divorce, these accusations can quickly result in an investigation by law enforcement officials that ends in you being charged with a crime.
Acting quickly to retain the services of a domestic assault lawyer can help to ensure that your rights are protected during the investigative process and may even allow you to prevent criminal charges from being filed against you in the first place. In the event that criminal charges are filed, having this lawyer on your team will give you the best possible opportunity to defend yourself against these charges.
Your Actions In Divorce Court Can Impact Your Criminal Case
Whether charges have formally been filed against you or your case is still in the investigative phase, everything you do in divorce court can now have a huge impact on your domestic assault case as well. This is because there is no expectation of privacy when it comes to court proceedings. Therefore, the prosecutor in your domestic assault case will be able to use any testimony from your divorce case against you in criminal court. For this reason, it is extremely important that you carefully consider the potential impact that your testimony may have before making any statements in divorce court.
Working with an experienced domestic assault attorney will allow you to come up with a defense strategy that protects your best interest in the matter of your divorce without leaving you open to potential consequences in criminal court. This attorney may even be able to assist with your divorce by providing your divorce lawyer with any discovery evidence that can disprove your spouse's claims of domestic assault.
Contact a local domestic assault lawyer to learn more.